What is Spiritual Direction

Sunset over the Mediterranean in Israel. Photo taken by Karen

Spiritual Direction is a gift for you from God delivered through another. Through this ministry as your spiritual director, Karen will sit with you and listen as you share your sacred story. She will help you see connections amidst the pieces of how God has worked in your life. Through these connections, you can see the intersections of your gifts and who God is calling you to be in your everyday life.

Why seek Spiritual Direction

Maybe you belong to a faith tradition community, maybe you don’t. Regardless, you belong to God and God wants to have a deep relationship with you. Spiritual Direction can help you sort through the pieces which are blocking your relationship with God and thereby blocking you from being the person God is calling you to be. Consider Spiritual Direction can help you:

  • to examine your relationship with God – what was the path you took to get you from here to now,
  • to discover the wonder of God working in your ordinary and extraordinary moments,
  • to heal from past experiences which drew you away from God and lessened your faith,
  • to explore your natural gifts and how to use them in service to a greater purpose,
  • to grieve a loss and sit with someone to help mend your broken spirit,
  • to deepen and fulfill the longing in your soul for the Divine and seek to walk daily with God.

What to expect during a session

For 1:1 or group Spiritual Direction, the directee and director meet on average once a month for one hour. The session begins with a moment of silence and prayer, and then the directees speaks to whatever is on their heart. The director is there to listen, help connect the dots and bring out the inner wisdom of the directee.

The key in Spiritual Direction isn’t the direction or the director; it is the spiritual. The Holy Spirit and divine love is present, guiding us to uncover and unlock the best of ourselves.